A multimeter, also known as a multitester, is an instrument used for electronic measurements. Basically, a multimeter is a combination of electronic measuring instruments like ammeter, voltmeter and ohm meter. Basically, this multimeter is widely used by engineers and all electronic technicians. Because this small device will simplify their workload. Nowadays, a modern multimeter measures more than just resistance, voltage, and current. Apart from that it measures frequency, capacitance, transistors Hfe and temperature. It is also used to check continuity between two points in an electrical circuit. However, there are mainly two types of multimeters, analog multimeter and digital multimeter. Here we discuss about multimeter its types and its applications. So, continue with this article to get information about multimeters.
- AC voltage
- This is for measuring AC voltage below 750V. connect the probes as shown in the picture, then connect the black probe (negative), and red probe (positive) with an AC voltage. switch into 750V, you can measure any AC voltage below 750 through this. Eg: power supply in houses, offices, buildings, etc…
- Ampere
- This is for measuring Ampere, rotate the switch into 10A. connect the red and black probe as shown in the picture, we usually check ampere to know how much current is Taking a device. connect the probes with a circuit and you can see the value of the current taken by the device. you may see a -ve sign near the current value if the positive and negative sides are interchanged. Eg: Fan,
- Transistor
- This is for checking the hfe (Hybrid parameter forward current gain, common emitter) value of a transistor. To do so, Rotate the switch to hfe and connect the probes as shown in the figure. A transistor consists of three parts. They are emitter, collector, and base. Connect the emitter, collector and base to their own locations as shown below. You can then see the hfe value on the screen. If the hfe value is in the same range value as your transistor’s datasheet, you can prove that the transistor has no complaints. If the hfe value is not within the range of the value in the datasheet, you can understand that the transistor has the complaint.
- Continuity
- To check continuity, turn the switch into continuous mode as shown in the figure. We can use it for various purposes, such as checking continuity or cut in a wire, switches, or fuses, and also for checking the performance of a capacitor. To check the continuity of a wire, connect the probes on each side of the wire. You can hear a beep from the multimeter if the wire has no complaints. Do the same for checking the continuity of the switch. To check the continuity of the capacitor, find the positive and negative sides of the capacitor. The black marked area is negative and the opposite is positive. Connect the black probe to the negative and the red probe to the positive. Hold for 4 to 5 seconds and turn the switch to 20. Then you can see the value is decreasing. That means the capacitor is perfectly fine. Eg: wire, switch, fuse, capacitor…
- Resistance
- Connect the probes to the resistor as shown in the figure and turn the switch to 200 first. then You can see a value on the screen. That’s the resistance. If the value is 1, turn the switch to 2000, 20K, etc., and check the resistance until you get a value other than 1.
- DC voltage
- To check the DC voltage, switch to the DC voltage section. You can check up to 20V, 5V, 12V with a multimeter. Connect the probes with the positive and negative sides of a battery or any DC voltage as shown in the figure. Usually, we check below 20V. so, turn the switch to 20V and you can see the value on the screen. Eg: Battery…